Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I've been coming to Saddleback and Purpose Driven Conferences for the last 14 years and everytime I come I am refreshed and reminded about the call of God in my life.

I am a listener and I have listened to too many voices other than God's lately, and the fire needed to be stoked. Being a trophy of His amazing grace, I have been gifted with an overwhelming passion for Him, but listening to things like "we don't get you", "your passion is too intense", etc. and I let it smolder a little. Lord, forgive me!

"Lord, have your way with me...breathe on me...stoke the flame so that it becomes a consuming fire...set me on fire so that I might shine bright for your Glory!"

1 comment:

kris said...

how can anyone queston a passion that is imparted by the author of the greatest passion ever???