Thursday, July 31, 2008


Over the last couple of weeks in small group we have been looking at the 15th chapter of 1 Samuel. There is so much great stuff just in that one chapter!

In light of that and the fact that we are starting a new series this weekend called Obey, I thought I would start to share with you somethings God is pouring into me.

This morning I went back to the beginning of 1st Samuel and discovered a few things.

The aim for the author(s) was:

  • To use the past to teach the new generation the importance of obedience to God. Wow, don't we need that!
  • And then to answer the question of why God chose Saul and then rejected him because of his sin, while David also sinned but was not rejected.


Join me in reading 1st Samuel and let me know what God is revealing to you.

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