Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fear, who?

For those of you who have been following along daily as we go through 1st Samuel my apologies for missing a couple of days. I surfed probably some of the best waves to hit the Florida Panhandle in a very long time in a "secret spot" with about 100 other guys and 25 boats…shhh, it's a secret. Here is what it looked (it's the day before, same waves, same spot)
Secret Spot . It truly was amazing, plus it was a great story, which I'll post some time. Back to 1st Samuel…

Then Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned. I violated the LORD's command and your instructions. I was afraid of the people and so I gave in to them. Now I beg you, forgive my sin and come back with me, so that I may worship the LORD." 1 Sam 15:24-25

Ok, Saul is caught "red handed" and he admits to not carrying out the Lord's command, but look at what he does…he blames again!

He claims that he feared the people and gave in to the pressure they applied on him.

Wow, how many times have we seen this in our churches! Men and women who didn't have the courage to stand for what is true, honorable and right, because they were afraid of what people might think.

Spiritual leadership is not really about giving people what they want as much it is about doing what God wants. Spiritual leaders must first be followers of God and fear Him only.

Saul is appointed king over Israel. His task is to know God's commands and obey them and to lead the nation in obedience. To whatever degree Saul's words about the pressure applied by the people are true; Saul fails to lead in a godly manner. His task is not to please men but to please God.

In our day and time, when leaders are often elected, their election is very often based upon how well they have pleased others. This is not the test of a spiritual leader. The test is how well that person has pleased God by obeying His Word, and by challenging others to follow him as he obeys.

Saul's concern is not that he has sinned against a righteous God, but that his public image will be damaged if Samuel openly severs his relationship with him. He only fears that he will look bad if this situation.

Are we more concerned what God thinks or what the people think?

Whose opinion do you fear?

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