Sunday, August 10, 2008

Get out

Since July 31st I've been blogging my thoughts as I read through 1 Samuel. For those of you who have followed along I hope you have enjoyed it. If you just stumbled on to this page, then I would encourage you to read along with me and share your thoughts.

I finished chapter 7 this morning and here is what I noticed:

In those days judges (Samuel was a judge) handled disputes, delivered people from their enemies, taught people principles of the law, and decided on difficult matters of doctrine, lifestyle and worship.

It appears Samuel spent his life building people; he spent more time out among God's people than carrying out religious ceremonies. Eli waited on people to come to him; Samuel went out to the people.

I see too many church leaders who do the opposite, of which I have been guilty at times.
We spend so much time "pulling off" Sunday mornings or on programs that when people do come we call them
"interruptions" in our day. Have you ever heard "ministry would be easy if it weren't for the people". I've heard too many church leaders say "it's about the weekend", no,
it's about people.

Or, ministry leaders you can't get to…that's a whole blog in itself.

Shouldn't we take our lead from people like Samuel, or Paul who said this;

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our
lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."

1 Thess 2:8

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