Thursday, October 11, 2007


Wow, our church family continues to grow, we had 127 people this weekend! Here's the coolest thing - for the past two weekends in the blank on the response cards that says "How did you hear about us": more people have written in the word "friend,"
than anything else. Way to go FOTH family!!!

The process is working the way Jesus modeled it, where someone meets Jesus and then they go and tell those close to them about Christ…and then they bring them to a place where they meet Jesus…and then Jesus changes them…(Please see John 1:35-51…this process actually happens in back to back stories!)

(Just a thought–MAYBE the reason that evangelism is NOT taking place in many churches across America is because "Christians" don't know any non-Christians. Many are simply in their holy huddles–discussing theology and trying to redeem culture–when Jesus had a goal of hanging out with "sinners" and trying to redeem them! Just a thought.)

So…the challenge is to invite people who need to hear the Gospel to come hang out
with us. Invite them to church and the park this Sunday, and we will do what we promised; every week we will tell your friends about what Christ has done for them, all you have to do is say "come and see". I personally think that this coming Sunday will be the best weekend that we've had in our six week history!!!

One of THE main reasons our church will continue to grow is because the people inside haven't forgotten what it was like to be outside. The people who have received God's grace are still aware of those who need God's grace. The people inside are NOT content with playing Christian games…but rather are bothered by the fact that there are people right here in this community that, if they died today, would spend eternity in hell…and that fact does not allow us to rest at night.

FOTH…as long as we have a passion for Jesus…a passion for people…and a passion to see people meet Jesus–we will continue to see God do amazing things.

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