We came to Tallahassee with the vision of one church with multiple locations.
Our second campus is in the works!
We are seeking to join God where He is at work, and He has provided us an opportunity. We came with a vision to reach the next generation thinking that our 2nd location would be for the students at FSU, FAMU, and TCC. We came also saying that it was not going to be about us, we just wanted to be a part of what God was doing in Tallahassee. God has been active in reaching college students through The Well (www.nomorethirst.org) and Dean Inserra, and so we've been partnering with them and looking forward to what God has in store for us.
Over the last couple of months I felt that God wanted us to do something to reach Junior High/High School students in Tallahassee and he has confirmed that. A few weeks ago, Ashley Gholston, who owns Cheerco, approached us about partnering with her for the sake of the Kingdom. She has agreed to let us use her building on Sunday evenings to reach Jr/HS students and push the 250 girls she trains to attend.
"If we use our talents to honor God, God will grant us even greater opportunities. And He has definitely given me my greater opportunity!! As you know a year ago God really pressed on my heart to open up a Christian Cheerleading Facility here in Tallahassee. A place where we could provide a great environment for young girls, but my ultimate desire was to make CheerCo not just a facility for cheerleading, but a place where we can worship and praise the one who gave us the talents to cheer! I have prayed for almost a year that God would allow us to start a ministry through CheerCo and I am happy to announce that time has come!" - Ashley Gholston
So, over the last couple of weeks, we have been meeting with a leadership team to get this kicked-off. We will host preview services for Revolution once a month in March, April & May and then launch this campus in June!
It dawned on me this week that this may be exactly the type of church God wants to use to reach college students. The Christian life, the "way", is about giving your life away, washing feet, service; not serve us. What an incredible way to reach college students and to show them it's not about you, there is something much bigger than that!
Here is what we see:
Revolution is a sudden, complete or marked change in something: almost the same as Repent, which means to turn and go in another direction. It's about life change, the life we find in Christ.
Jesus came not to start a religion, but to start a revolution that would change the world.
Jesus is not just another revolutionary; he is calling for revolutionary new sort of revolution. You've never heard anything like His message, and you are both attracted and unsettled.
His message was that the Kingdom of God is at hand and available to all! That statement seemed completely unrealistic at the time.
What if God started a church of students that
turned the world up-side down…sounds unrealsitic doesn't it?
"The radical revolutionary empire of God is here, advancing by reconciliation and peace, expanding by faith, hope, and love – beginning with the poorest, the weakest, the meekest and the least. It's time to change your thinking. Everything is about to change. It's time for a new way of life. Believe me. Follow me. Believe this good news so you can learn to live by it and be a part of the revolution." Wes White
This revolution will not take place with hatred or violence. It will happen with reconciling forgiving love: when people love strangers and enemies, that's when the kingdom gains ground.
4 words that need a revolution in this generation
Which leads to a revolution in the way you live your life – LOVE
Enjoy (Connect) "praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people." – Acts 2:47
- We will learn to enjoy the favor of all people.
- We will see everyone as God's sacred creation.
- We will believe that all people are created in His image and that He died for them also.
Volunteer (Serve) "but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant" – Phil 2:7
- We will do something now, it's not about us.
- We will give our lives away and in that we will find them.
- We will be about service, not serve us.
Obey (Grow) "To obey is better than sacrifice" – 1 Samuel 15:22
- We will learn to be obedient because He desires our obedience more than anything.
- When we live a life of obedience, we will see that life works.
Lead (Go) "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Tim 4:12
- We will be leaders among believers.
- We will lead now by being an example.
- As we live this way people will want what we have.
LOVE God, LOVE people. (Honor) Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Matt 22:37-39
Revolution – Are you ready?
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