Saturday, October 4, 2008

Latest and Greatest

 45 David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands." 1 Samuel 17:45-47

I must confess I've looked for the swordthe latest and greatest.

Have you?

Think about that for a minute, when have you thought "if I just had __________ I'd be okay."

Don't we often look for something else other than God and our efforts to fight our battles?

If you're a ministry leader have you ever thought "if we just had __________ we'd reach more people."

Ok, understand that I'm not saying we don't use the latest technology. In fact, over the years we have been greatly criticized for being creative and using technology. My response has been "well if you don't want to use technology, let's turn off the A/C, they didn't have it in the first church either." Yeah, I was not
overly sensitive.

But here's my point, sometimes we put our faith in things
instead of God. We forget the power of God to draw all to himself and to use us to be his vessels.

David had a clear understanding of who would do the work: this day the Lord will hand you over to me. Goliath boasted about what he would do, David boasted about what the Lord would do.

David's motivation was purely for God and to restore confidence in the God of Israel.

If we rely only on the latest and greatest we are saying to the world God can't do it without these.

Instead of investing everything we have into things, shouldn't we invest our hearts and faith in a God who holds the stars in His mighty right hand?

Really, is there anything bigger than that?


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