Yesterday I taught on the story of Nicodemus, well actually, it is the story of Christ when He encounters Nicodemus. (John3:1-21)
Something struck me in the story; Nicodemus is a master teacher, a member of the Sanhedrin (Jewish supreme court so to speak). This means that by the age of 10 he had more than likely memorized
the Torah (Geneis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy), by the age of 13 or 14 he had memorized the entire Old Testament (39 books!) and he probably taught and discussed Scripture all day long, he was an expert on all things religious.
But something was missing.
What drew Him to Jesus?
I've had several conversations over the last few weeks with individuals who have followed Christ, taught God's Word, served Him regularly and even went for Him, but their relationship with God these days, well in their words, "it's distant", "not there", or "dry".
Come on, be honest, it's easy to get there, right? It's what I call "the drift".
I'm wondering how many times I've drifted to the point where Paul might have said these words to me; "Are you foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" (Gal 3:3)
Maybe that's where Nicodemus was, he realized everything he was pouring out was from his own power, he was dry! Was the stuff coming out of his heart, living waters, or just water? (John 7:38)
Interesting thing, the next chapter is the story of the woman at the well and Jesus says this, "Whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life." (John 4:14)
Hmmm, both are thirsty, but he draws one and just shows up in the other.
Maybe He's calling you to
come and sit at His feet or maybe He's sitting next to you already!
May God grant us the ability to listen and see Him today!